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Planning Board Minutes 03/24/08
Greenfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2008
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:00 pm - Start
Members Present:  Members Morris, Fletcher, Borden, Carrara.  CEO Peter Hopkins is present.

7:07 pm - Officer Elections
Fletcher moves to nominate Carrara as chairman, Morris seconds, there was no discussion, all were in favor, the motion passes.  Fletcher moves to nominate Borden as vice chairman, Morris seconds, no discussion, all were in favor, the motion passes.  Carrara moves to nominate O’Connell as secretary and corresponding secretary, Morris seconds, no discussion, all were in favor, the motion passes.

Minutes From Last Meeting
Carrara reads the minutes from the March 10, 2008 meeting.  The following corrections were noted:
“Carrara schedules the Griffin’s” should read “Carrara schedules the Griffings.”
Under Mitchell “The inspect able” should read “the inspectable.”

NH DES letter and Standard Dredge and Fill approval for Stephan Fernandes on Old Bennington Road.
DES letter regarding CMRC Wastewater Treatment Facility & Subsurface Disposal System Alteration of Terrain permit approval.
Memo from Katherine Heck regarding Escrow Accounts.
Email from Catherine regarding Smith subdivision lot numbers.

7:30 pm - Continuation of Griffing Site Plan Review
Rick Griffing is present.  Carrara collects fees and issues a receipt.  Carrara reviews the minutes from the March 10, 2008 meeting.  The Board is in a deliberative session, the public hearing was closed at the March 10, 2008 meeting.  Carrara asks if the Board will allow him to read an email from Linda Dodge that was sent to him March 10, 2008.  The Board approves.

Adams arrives at 7:45pm.

Borden disqualifies himself after discussion with the Board and the applicant.  Fletcher asks the applicant to discuss their proposed hours.  Carrara asks if the Board would like to get the police chief’s input on this application; the Board does.  Fletcher talks about the desire for more activity downtown while preserving the tranquility of the location.  Fletcher asks if maximum hours of the pub can be preserved by the Board, the Board is in general agreement about this.  The Griffings are not interested in staying open later at this time.  Griffing states that he has no interest in attracting rowdy crowds. There will be air conditioning and the windows will be closed to help contain any noise.  Carrara moves on to the checklist and deficiencies noted from the March 10, 2008 meeting.  Griffing hands out an updated drawing.  All deficiencies have been corrected.

Morris asks if it would be prudent to reopen the public hearing.  Carrara states that would require the public hearing to be fully re-noticed.  Carrara also states that the site plan review goes with the “site” or property.  If the property is sold and the use significantly changes, the new owners would have to apply for a new site plan review.  Borden states that there is currently a town noise ordinance that is enforceable.

Carrara schedules a continuation for April 14, 2008 at 7:30pm.  Carrara will ask Chief Giammarino to offer comments and be present at the next meeting.  The only outstanding issue is the hours of the pub and how the Board would like to address this.

8:15 pm - Continuation Brooke Leasing and Development (Ryan’s Farm) Open Space Subdivision
Chad Brannon from Meridian Land Services is present.  Carrara discusses the letter he drafted regarding road building specifications.  The letter references the subdivision regulations, specifically sections VII and X.  The letter will be sent to all owners of approved subdivisions and open space developments, in which the subdivision or development contains a new road.  The letter will be sent to Mitchell and Brooke Leasing & Development.

Carrara reads a statement from Keach regarding private roads:

“The ways shown on this plat are intended by the applicant and the Town of Greenfield to be platted, constructed and maintained as private ways.  The recording of this plat shall not be construed as an offer of dedication of those ways as public highways under New Hampshire Law of Dedication and Acceptance.”

Keach suggests that all plats with proposed private roads contain a note to this affect.  The Board enters into an extensive discussion regarding public and private road requirements.  Keach sent an update March 21, 2008.  Carrara reviews the update, Brannon states that he believes all of the items have been addressed in the latest plat revisions.  The following deficiencies are noted:
Alteration of Terrain and State Subdivision approval are still pending.
The HOA agreement and fire cistern easement needs to be reviewed by town counsel.
The final plans need to be sealed by a licensed surveyor and by a certified wetlands scientist.
Outstanding fees for Keach review need to be paid. Keach has not billed the town yet.

Brannon provides a formal request for a waiver of the high intensity soil (HIS) mapping requirement as well as a waiver for the minimum vertical curve length (200 feet) for the intersection of Cameron’s way and Route 31.  Adams moves that the Board grants the two waivers as requested and as noted above.  Fletcher seconds.  The Board enters into a discussion regarding the waivers.  All were in favor, the motion passes.  Adams moves that bicycle and walkway paths are not required, Morris seconds, no discussion, all were in favor, the motion passes.

Borden moves that the Board conditionally approves the Open Space Development named Ryan’s Farm for Brooke Leasing and Development Company, Tax Map R9, Lot 43, dated December 17, 2007 and revised March 24, 2008 with the above noted conditions.  Adams seconds.  Fletcher would like to discuss the checklist from the OSD ordinance.  The Board goes over the checklist.  Carrara calls for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passes.

Adams makes a motion to adjourn, Morris seconds, no discussion, the motion passes, the meeting is adjourned.